Share In Our Success

All around the world leading producers of steel, aluminium and copper belong to our customers, ranging from large, integrated metallurgical works to smaller, highly specialized manufacturers. PSImetals solutions enable our customers to achieve horizontal and vertical integration of their business processes, whilst boosting productivity throughout the entire production process.


I am very impressed with the go-live process. PSI made it only once in such a professional and diligent way, and it is successful!

Junan Xue
Assistant General Manager, HBIS TangSteel New District

Implementing Logistics for our Slab yards helped us tremendously with our inventory control and accuracy. Before it took us days to do inventories, now it is just a matter of hours.

Victor Rivera
IT Manager, California Steel Industries

We have been convinced by PSI's strong experience in the area of ensuring quality in steel making and their PSImetals solution as well as highly pleased customers.

Bruno Ramos
General Manager, Villares Metals

We are now manufacturing products that would have been unthinkable 3 years ago. Order Dressing provides us with the flexibility that is required for this.

Franz Parzer
Voestalpine Grobblech GmbH

"Detlef keeps people from working" -
Our Interview Series on LinkedIn

Since starting at PSI in 1981, our business has changed dramatically. Back then like today, people - customers and employees - made the company what it is. Let me introduce some of them to you.

Detlef Schmitz
Director - Business Development

Latest Press Releases

May 31, 2023

PSI Implements New Production Management System at Villares Metals

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May 23, 2023

PSI Records Increasing Demand for Industrial AI Solutions

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March 03, 2023

Usiminas optimizes their production with PSImetals Planning

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Production Manager Articles

Vama: Success With System Upgrades

Chinese automotive steel manufacturer Valin ArcelorMittal Automotive Steel Co., Ltd. (VAMA) has swiftly upgraded its five-year-old PSImetals solution to the latest version...

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Managing Complex Production Right From the Start

It’s incredibly exciting to build a plant from scratch and that’s exactly the challenge ASAŞ faced...

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Psimetals Put to Use by the Aluminum Producer

In December 2018, the PSImetals Production, Quality, Logistics and Automation modules were successfully put into operation...

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