Taming the Beast

Conference on the Digitalization of the Metals Industry

Vorträge und Videos der Industrie 4.0 Konferenz im Mai 2017

Videos I4.0 Konferenz

Prof. Dr. Volker Stich, European Approach on Digitalization

Evert de Vos, Digitalization at Tata Steel IJmuiden

Heiko Wolf, PSImetals FutureLab - the continuous innovation plattform

Kurt Herzog, The Way to Digitalized Steel Production

Are Steel and Aluminium ready for Industry 4.0?

Is Industry 4.0 Just Playing with New Gadgets?

Günter Sube, Recipes For a Successful Digital Transformation

Zhenrui Zhao - How TangShan Deals With the Chances of Digitalization

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Peters, Aspects of Industry 4.0 at Steel Production

Henk Bruijns,Industrial IoT as Enabler for Digitalization

Thomas Bleier, IT Security Challenges with Industry 4.0

Vesna Glatz, the Role of Digitalization for New Business Models